Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Forth Post

First of all I'd like to give a shout to Lola of Composing Lola (http://composinglola.blogspot.com/) She never stops amazing me. Her posts are witty, lovable, and down right funny.

Now I have a question for my viewers and that is have you ever been looking at pictures and found this one picture of your self and have no memory of when it was taken or where you were?
Well I have, It was maybe when I was 8 or 9.
I have no idea where it was at but int he back ground was the Mexican flag and my brother was in the back ground too but he was barely visible.
Me I was wearing a sombrero, and green sweater that I remember, and I also had what looked like a blanket on. I was completely confused by the picture. (It would be so much easier to post the picture but I can't find the picture :( but when I do fine it I will post it)



  1. Thanks for the shout out :)

    My mom is my savior as far as old photos go - she put a date and some sort of note (i.e. 1989 Disney Cruise, 1991 Field Day, etc.) on the back of ALL the photos she took as I was growing up. I wouldn't know what was going on in 95% of my photos if she hadn't done that.

  2. Welcome Lola :)... and mom's save our lives a lot don't they :)
