Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ice Skating and ice sports

There are many ice sports: hockey, figure skating, partner figure skating, and other ice sports.

Figure skating is a beautiful sport. It takes a lot of balance and grace. When I was younger I wanted to be a skater and I always would but on socks and skate around on my kitchen floor like how I saw the pros on tv do. It wasn't pretty most of the time, I would always fall down qand hurt myself in some way shape or form. But eventually I got better not much better but better. I got a few moves down pat like a double axel and some spins. The axel was actually really painful to practice but I still got it, getting the air I needed was hard too do to the fact that I was in socks not skates. I have never acually ice skated and I dont think I will anytime soon; I dont have that kind of grace.
Hockey and ice skating are both olympic sports.


Music Taste?

Some one on my last post said maybe I should talk about my music taste, well i did a little bit on a comment but here is more information.

The List of almost all the artist I listen to:
Jonas Brothers
Lady Antebellum
Lady Gaga
La Roux
Rascal Flatts
Selena Gomez
Demi Lavato
Shania Twain
Katy Perry
Avril Lavigne
Boys Like Girls
Taylor Swift
Carrie Underwood
Chris Daughtry
And a lot more

A lot of people ask me if I listen to Justin Bieber and I look at then with a confused look and say "Heck No," I don't particularly like his music but i don't dislike it either. But I think soon he'll be forgotten, maybe not this year but possibly next year. But in show business no one is really ever forgotten there will always be someone somewhere that likes that one person.

And I like pretty much anything with a good message, take rap for example. A lot people don't like rap because they think they talk about the same thing. But take Eminem his raps aren't about drugs and sex like a lot are.

If you have any problem with my music taste let me know, it won't make me made you have a right to your own opinion.
